You May Be New to Us
But you are known to God

If you new here, welcome. We are glad to have you here. Our sole purpose is to serve God and serve people. We hope you can enjoy a service and learn about what God desires for us and learn more about how we should live our lives as holy children of Christ. In a world that has challenged their love and belief in an almight savior, finding a community of believers is important. Living a saved and fulfilling life is possible with God. 

  • What is it like: Our services open with the spirit of prayer. We welcome the presence of God with our worship, we close our services with God's inspired work and preaching. 


  • What about my kids: Kids are a blessing to Lord and to us. We welcome children to come and grow with us. Sunday school is available for children when in-person services resume. 


  • Where do I park: Parking is just outside of the entrance of the church. Feel free to park in any of the open spots.


  • What do I wear: We believe that you should come to God's house with a prayer that God will change you from the inside out. But that is your journey. We will help you along the way. 


  • Get Connected: Visit our contact us page to email us. Or you may also call us at (252) 561-7770.